Going Wheat/Grain Free!

This can be a daunting task but remember...this is just baby steps and I am here for you.  You will learn how to safely eliminate these and what benefits you will gain from this.

There are MANY Testimonies...so get ready!
Is this easy?  Nope...but I promise it is worth it 1000%!!  

Food Pyramid Scheme

We have all been taught to "Eat More Whole Grains" and it is the BIGGEST part of the food pyramid.  But what if I were to tell you...do the OPPOSITE of what you have been told.  I learned this from Dr. William Davis who is a cardiologist and you will be shocked by what he has to say.  

What's The Problem?

So what's the big deal anyways?  

1.  Grains Yield Opiates.  You read that right.  These opiates are very similar to morphine or heroin and trigger appetite thus keeping you hungry.  They also trigger sugar cravings.  They bind to the brain causing cravings and constant hunger.
2.  Grains Initiate Inflammation and Autoimmunity.  The proteins in grains cause leaky gut which provokes inflammation.  This can lead to rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, psoriasis, loss of balance & bladder control, liver damage, and about 200 other autoimmune diseases.
3.  Wheat Germ Agglutinin Disrupts Digestion.  This is found in wheat, rye, barley, and rice is a potent bowel toxin and is entirely resistant to human digestion.  It blocks release of bile from the gallbladder and release of pancreatic enzymes from the pancreas, resulting in bile stasis and incomplete food digestion, bowel urgency, changes in bowel flora, and gallstones. It allows bacteria into the body causing MORE inflammation.
4.  Amylopectin A Raises Blood Sugar to High Levels.  On the left, is a glycemic index which is a measure used to determine how much a particular food can affect your blood sugar levels.  Just 1 piece of whole-meal bread raises blood sugar levels MORE than 6 tablespoons of table sugar.  This then leads to high blood insulin which goes against losing weight.  About 90-120 min later you will get mental fogginess, fatigue, food cravings, and potentially lashing out at others.  
5.  Phytates Block Nutrient Absorption.  Phytates block absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium, and other nutrients.  We can then develop fatigue, skin rashes, impaired immunity, muscle cramps, disrupted blood sugar control, bone thinning, and iron deficiency.  

What To Expect Going Grain-Free
People who cut out all grains see all these benefits including no more digestive issues (no IBS, acid reflux, bloating, and more), off diabetes meds, off high blood pressure meds, off high cholesterol meds, autoimmune diseases heal, and SOOOO much more.  

What Can I Eat?

This is the #1 question.  In the next page, I have specific pictures of items from HEB and Walmart...tortillas, chips, cookies, pasta that are all grain free.

I break it down not only with pictures of food but also food groups.

If you are wanting to lose weight then try to keep net carb intake to 15g per meal.  Net carb is Total Carb-Fiber.  More on this on the next page. 

We will never limit fat and never count calories.

Withdrawal Symptoms

 Yes, there will be withdrawal symptoms because of the opiates that are present.  

You may experience nausea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue, depression and may last about a week.  Personally, I had a bad headache on Day 4 of going grain free and a little on Day 5.

I promise...you will survive and after about a week...NO MORE FOOD or SUGAR CRAVINGS!!!   It is BEYOND liberating! You are NOT controlled by food anymore.

Recommended Supplements
Here are the supplements and cost breakdown that Dr. Davis recommends to make the transition easier and says we need to be having in our systems.  Click on the supplements picture to order.

ALL of our Young Living supplements are bioavailable meaning the essential oils in them help take the supplements into the cells and we don't just pee it out.

Super Vitamin D (2)
$34 for 120 count so 30 cents each tablet.  Has Melissa and Lime essential oils which are wonderful for depression and mood.  Ours are made with lichen and not lanolin which is sheep's wool and can be contaminated with pesticides.  Restoring this supplement helps to improve mood, clearer thinking, better bone health and protection from osteoporosis, reduced blood sugar and blood pressure, improved physical performance, protection from dementia and cancer (compounded by the elimination of wheat and grains), reverses abnormal inflammatory responses and immune responses caused by wheat/grain.

Super Magnesium (3)
$33 for 90 so 37 cents each capsule.  It is formulated with melon juice concentrate which reduces oxidative stress and increases magnesium efficiency in the body.  Deficiency is associated with osteoporosis, hypertension, higher blood sugars, muscle cramps, migraines, heart rhythm disorders, leg cramps, bad sleep, and constipation.

Thyromin (1)
$48.25 for 60 so 80 cents each capsule.  You get bioavailable iodine and helps with body metabolism, energy, and body temperature.  Not enough iodine can impair ability to lose weight while adding to cardiovascular risk, hypertension, fibrocystic breast disease, and water retention.

Green Omega-3 (2)
$68 for 60 so $1.13 per gel capsule.  Our omegas come from algal oil instead of the fish so we skip the "middle man" and is bioavailable with the clove oil in it.  Clove oil boosts immune system, controls sugar levels, stimulates blood circulation and purifies it, relieves stress and pain and more.  Omegas are important because they help to clear fatty acids from the bloodstream and keep levels lower, reduces risk for heart attacks, heart rhythm disorders, autoimmune inflammatory conditions (especially rheumatoid arthritis and lupus), and a variety of cancers.    
Ordering The Supplements
There are 2 different ways to order.  You can do a regular order or a Loyalty Rewards order.  We have been ordering every month through Loyalty Rewards and about 85% of all of my oils have been free.  You receive a free diffuser on month 2, free oils, and points back every month.  You redeem those points for items you want.  There is a 50PV minimum each month of items YOU choose and for us...we don't spend that money at the store anymore because we get all of our non-toxic personal care products from Young Living. 

If you used to have a wholesale account in our group then you can reactivate by going to youngliving.com and entering your member number and your password (you can reset this).  Place an order of 100 PV.  If you place this on Loyalty Rewards then you will get the free oil for that month along with all the perks.  

If you are brand new, then WELCOME!  You can click on the picture to set up your account, place your order, and get all the benefits listed below!

Our Community
Click on this image to see the 75 modules that are in this VIP Vault.  Let me know if you have questions regarding how to set up your Young Living account in our Wellness Community to have free access to this.

Once you have ordered, you will have access to all of this.  Scroll down to Module #50 to see all the prepackaged foods such as tortillas, chips, cookies, and lots of websites for baking if you want that!

So Proud of You!
If you have been struggling with great health the majority of your life...I am so excited for you!  Your life if about to change and you won't even miss your old habits...I promise!  I am a self-proclaimed "Junk-Food-Junkie" and if I can do it...you can to and I am here to help you.