Elderberry Syrup and Gummies!
Making elderberry Syrup and gummies doesn't just have to be a Fall thing but this season is the one that really needs that extra boost.  Elderberry syrup not only helps with boosting your immune system because it is packed with antioxidants and vitamins but it also helps to lessen stress, protect your heart, help with constipation, help relieve joint and muscle pain, and the list goes on and on...headaches, fever, kidney problems, epilepsy, and infections that affect how you breathe.  Crazy right!?

You can get elderberry syrup and gummies from Amazon and your local grocery store but here is an easy and fun recipe!

Elderberry Syrup
1 cup dried elderberries (I get mine from bulkherbstore.com)
1 1/2 cups RAW local honey (it is naturally antimicrobial, which will keep your elderberry syrup fresh for a long time), it contains far more nutrients as it has not been heated and will help with local allergies
Young Living Essential Oils (optional but help in so many ways....learn more at (13) Living ABOVE the Wellness Line with Young Living Essential Oils | Facebook ) 5 drops Thieves, 2 drops each of nutmeg, clove, ginger, cinnamon bark and frankincense
4 cups purified water

1.  Add 1 cup of elderberries to 4 cups of boiling water.
2.  Allow to simmer on the stove for 45 min or until the liquid has been reduced by about half.
3.  Remove water/elderberries from stove and cool until it is just warm enough to melt the honey. The less heat the better to preserve all the properties of the honey and essential oils.
4.  Strain through a fine mesh strainer then stir in the honey.
5.  Add your essential oils.
6.  Enjoy!
Use 1 tsp per day for adults and 1/2 tsp per day for children to keep immune systems boosted.  You can take more if you start feeling sick.  

Elderberry gummies
1/4 cup cooled elderberry syrup
1 Knox gelatin packet
2.5 tablespoons hot water
Any kind of mold you want to (I get them from Amazon)

1.  Place the silicone gummy molds on a baking sheet or larger platter to support them.
2.  In a small bowl, add 1/4 cup of the cooled elderberry syrup and then whisk in the gelatin well to dissolve. 
3.  Add in the hot water and stir well until thoroughly dissolved.
4.  Carefully pour the mixture into each mold, filling to the top...a turkey baster works great for this.  
5.  Chill about 1 hour in refrigerator or until they become firm.
6.  Pop the gummies out of the molds and place into a glass airtight container with a lid.  Store in the fridge for up to 2 months.
7.  Dosage can be from 1 to 3 gummies a day for kids 2 and over, depending on the size mold you use.  You can check with your pediatrician as to the recommended dosage.  

You will only need a little bit to help maintain your health.  Let me know how you like it.  
Scroll down on my website www.dianefelux.com for another natural health recipe.  


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